Thursday 24 July 2014


... for the radio silence recently! I have a new project in the pipeline, and have been so busy working on that that I've not had a chance to blog. I don't want to reveal the surprise yet, but I shall as soon as I feel I'm ready to share! Let's just say, it's going back to my roots in terms of style and I'm rather excited about this!

Until next time....



Friday 4 July 2014

The countdown is on...!

AAARRRGGGGGHHH! There are only 55 days left until our due date! Unfortunately I've had to take some time off from my full-time job as I've not been feeling too great, but I have managed to do a little piccie of some of the bits and bobs we've got for the bump so far!


Thought I'd see what some of the elements looked like in greyscale - I likey!

Now I think I need to start thinking about my hospital bag...! 

Carol xx

Sunday 29 June 2014

Paper Planes

Hello! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! 

I've been looking through my drawings recently and realised that I haven't drawn enough boys - so I made it my plan this weekend to change that! I'd love to know what you think!

In other news, we have finally got some allotment goodies! Lots of potatoes, spinach and some asparagus! All to go together with roast chicken tonight - mmmm can you hear my belly rumbling already!? The runner beans are looking good too but need a little more time, and I can't wait to dig up the garlic bulbs we planted last year!

The world's teeniest potato!

Carol xx

Saturday 7 June 2014

...80 days to go!

OMG! I have 80 days until my due date! Arrrrrrr! 

Ok, I know that apparently only 5% of women actually give birth on their due date - but still! I'm feeling equal measures of huge excitement and absolute terror! And breeeeaaattthhheeeee
